Catering for Success: How Food Can Enhance Networking Events

Admit it - for at least one moment of the day, your mind is on food. What will you eat next? What are you having for dinner? Do you fancy a snack? And all of this is heightened when you are attending an event such as a business networking event. 


One excellent way to wow guests at such an event is to provide nutritional corporate catering. We’ve put together this handy guide which outlines how networking events will impress potential business partners and boost your opportunity to do business.

3 Ways Networking Events Can Benefit Your Business 

Extra Income

Firstly, business networking events are a great way to generate additional income. The more time you invest into such an event, the more likely your return on investment will be higher. Not to mention the endless opportunities to do business with a variety of different industries. 


Not only do these opportunities bring in new business, but they also begin the introduction of new business relationships, which translates into long-standing business ventures. 

Creating New Contacts 

Following on from the introduction of new business relationships, networking events can also connect you to additional contacts outside of the event. 


Doing business with these contacts can be highly valuable, particularly if you are starting a relatively new business. You can then search for more meetings you can attend and further your networking journey.

Builds Brand Trust and Relationships

Finally, attending networking events puts a face to a name (or business name) and allows you to formally introduce yourself as part of your business. Brand identity is vital when building trust between your business, potential customers, and clients. People need to know they can trust you before putting faith in your business.

Common Difficulties People Face When Networking

One of the most obvious dilemmas people face when networking is the recent lack of face-to-face communication. Though we are very much clear of COVID-19 restrictions, businesses have lacked this communication for the best part of three years, particularly businesses that were established during this period. 


Public speaking is also a large reason business owners avoid face-to-face networking for fear of talking in front of large groups of people. However, you could begin finding groups that keep group speaking to a minimum, such as local expos and ‘catch-up’ groups that allow you to mingle at your own pace. 

How Food Can Greatly Enhance Your Networking Event Success Rate

We’ve spoken mainly about attending networking events, but what about hosting your own? Why should you consider professional corporate catering an absolute staple for the event, and what can it do for you?


If you are planning to host your own networking event, aim for the lunchtime window. This time is ideal for producing meaningful and productive conversations and ensuring all guests are making the most of the nutritional food on offer. It also keeps engagement levels high and boosts morale, leading to a higher chance of consistent returns in the future. 


If you want to provide the highest level of catering, consider hiring your local professional corporate caterer to provide delicious and sustainable food and drinks for all attendees. 

Corporate Catering for Networking Events from Green Bike Food Co. 

At Green Bike Food Co. we believe in the positive impact your networking event can have on guests through the delivery of healthy corporate catering options. If you are looking to host your own corporate catering event or attend one that you believe is lacking delicious food, get in touch with us today!

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