How to Promote Sustainability at Your Next Corporate Event

If you've ever heard the saying, 'Actions speak louder than words,' then you know the power of leading by example.


When it comes to planning your next corporate event, incorporating sustainability practices is not just a trend but a responsible choice that speaks volumes about your company's values. By making conscious decisions that prioritise the planet, you have the opportunity to influence others positively and make a lasting impact.


But how exactly can you achieve this? Let's explore some effective strategies that will not only enhance your event but also leave a positive mark on the environment.


Choose an Eco-friendly Venue

When selecting a venue for your corporate event, prioritise choosing an eco-friendly location to align with sustainable practices. Opting for an eco-friendly venue demonstrates your commitment to the environment and sets a positive example for others in the industry. 


Look for venues that prioritise energy efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-conscious practices. By choosing an eco-friendly venue, you can create a more environmentally responsible event that resonates with your attendees.


When it comes to corporate catering, collaborate with a corporate caterer who shares your sustainability values. Discuss your preferences for using locally sourced, organic ingredients and minimising food waste. 


A reputable corporate caterer can tailor their menu to meet your eco-friendly requirements while delivering delicious and memorable dishes for your event. Together, you can work towards reducing your corporate event's environmental impact without sacrificing the quality of the dining experience.

Choose Fairtrade-Certified Products

To prioritise sustainability at your corporate event, opt for Fairtrade-certified products to support businesses committed to environmental protection and worker welfare.


Fairtrade standards require companies to adhere to strict guidelines that protect both the environment and the workers involved in production. Consider sourcing items like coffee, tea, chocolate, and seafood from Fairtrade-certified suppliers to align your event with these principles. By selecting Fairtrade products, you contribute to a supply chain that values fairness, transparency, and sustainability.

Ensure Energy Efficiency

Opt for LED lighting to enhance energy efficiency at your corporate event. LED lights are more environmentally friendly than fluorescent lighting, consuming less power per unit of light emitted. This saves energy and reduces carbon emissions, making your event more sustainable. Ensure you only use the electricity necessary for the event to help minimise emissions further.


Consider utilising natural light during the day to reduce the need for artificial lighting. Additionally, timers and sensors should be used to control lighting usage efficiently. Encourage attendees to switch off lights when not in use and use energy-efficient appliances and equipment throughout the event.

Go Plastic and Paper Free

Reduce environmental impact at your corporate event by eliminating plastic and paper materials. Swap out plastic cups for reusable glasses and opt for metal or wooden cutlery, along with reusable plates for meals.


While paper is a better alternative to plastic, it still contributes to deforestation. If paper products are necessary, provide clearly labelled recycling bins throughout the venue. By going plastic and paper-free, you not only reduce waste but also minimise the release of toxic emissions during production.


Plastic, in particular, poses a significant threat to marine life when not disposed of properly. Embracing sustainable alternatives benefits the environment and sets a positive example for attendees. Encourage participants to bring reusable water bottles and provide water refill stations to reduce plastic waste further.


Make a conscious effort to choose sustainable materials for decorations and signage, such as recycled paper or biodegradable options. Prioritising eco-friendly choices in materials can make a substantial difference in your event's overall environmental impact.

Sustainable Corporate Catering from Green Bike Food Co.

Want to make your next corporate event as eco-friendly as possible? Look no further than trusting the team at Green Bike Food Co. to deliver only the best ingredients and service to your team. 


We are proud to offer sustainable catering to local areas around Reading, London and Oxford, bringing a smile along, too. Why not get in touch with us today to see how we can transform your next event? 

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